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In an email sent July 30, NC State outlined updates to its mask requirements and COVID-19 testing protocols. Beginning Aug. 2, face coverings will once again be required in all public indoor spaces, regardless of vaccination status. 

According to the email, indoor mask usage is not required when alone in private, enclosed spaces such as residential halls, apartments or closed offices. Similarly, face coverings are not required in enclosed indoor spaces where only household members are present, or during eating and drinking. Face coverings are still required to ride the Wolfline buses.

Face coverings continue to be optional for vaccinated individuals in outdoor spaces on campus. For unvaccinated individuals, face coverings should be continued to be used outside. 

Additionally, beginning with the first day of classes on Aug. 16, students, staff and faculty who have not shown proof of vaccination against COVID-19 will be required to participate in weekly surveillance testing on campus. On-campus testing will also be available for free to all NC State students, staff and faculty throughout the fall semester as well.

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